Customer Signup Form (#9)
  • Tell us a little about you
  • Service Address
  • Account Holder Information
  • Final Authorization

Tell us a little about you

Service Address

Service Address

Authorizing Your Service

Customers can purchase energy from an Energy Services Company (ESCO) or from a traditional utility. If you choose to purchase energy from an ESCO you are entitled to:

  • A clear description of the services offered by the ESCO.
  • Receive energy delivery and 24 hour emergency services from your utility company.
  • Clear procedures for switching energy suppliers, including information about the enrollment process.
  • Disclosure, in simple and clear language, of the terms and conditions of the agreement between you and the ESCO including:
    • price and all variable charges or fees;
    • length of the agreement;
    • terms for renewal of the agreement;
    • cancellation process and any early termination fees, which are limited by law;
    • and conditions, if any, under which the ESCO guarantees cost savings.
  • Rescind an agreement with an ESCO within three days of receiving the agreement, if you are a residential customer.
  • A description of how pre-payment agreements work, if offered.
  • Notice from the ESCO, no less than thirty days prior to the contract renewal date, of the renewal terms and the options you have as a customer.
  • A fair and timely complaint resolution process.
  • Provision of any written documents (contracts, marketing materials, and this ESCO Consumers Bill of Rights) in the same language used to enroll you as a customer.

If you are a residential customer you are also entitled to the rights and protections of the Home Energy Fair Practices Act (HEFPA) which requires that all utility customers be treated fairly with regard to application for service, customer billing, and complaint procedures. For more information go to

ESCOs that do not assure these consumer rights could lose their eligibility to provide service in New York. Please report any complaints to the Department of Public Service at 1-800-342-3377 (8:30 am – 4:00 pm), by mail at Office of Consumer Services, NYS Department of Public Service, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223, or online at You can find more information about your energy alternatives by visiting:

Letter of Agency (LOA)

Utility Electric Supply Price to Compare
Clearview Electric, Inc. d/b/a Clearview Energy (“Clearview Energy”) is not the same entity as your electric delivery company. You are not required to enroll with  Clearview Energy. Beginning on June 1, 2023, the electric supply price to compare is 6.809 cents per kWh (ComEd) or 7.877 center per kWh (Amren). The electric utility electric supply price will expire on September 30, 2023. The utility electric supply price to compare does not include the  purchased electricity adjustment factor. For more  information go to the Illinois Commerce Commission's free website at The purchased electricity adjustment factor may range between +.5 cents and -.5 cents per kilowatt hour.

Consumer’s Billing Name and Address
Billing Name:
Billing Address:
Service Address: ,

Authorization to Switch Suppliers
By signing this Letter of Agency, I am acknowledging that I have made the decision to change the electric service provider to Clearview Energy. I am authorized to execute this LOA.

Terms and Conditions
I have received and reviewed the accompanying Uniform Disclosure Statement (UDS), Environmental Label, and Terms of Service detailing the terms, conditions, and nature of the service under the following rates:

Term: ?
Rate: ?
Base Fee: ?
Promotion: ?

I acknowledge that any alternative retail electric supplier selection I choose may involve a charge for changing my electric service provider.

I acknowledge that this change in suppliers is voluntary, and Clearview Energy has not suggested or required me to take some action in order to retain my current electric service provider.

Future Correspondence Delivery
I acknowledge that I will receive future correspondence from Clearview Energy by US Mail, that I may elect to also access the correspondence by electronic means, and that I may opt to receive a written copy of the contract.

I understand all terms in this LOA, and consent to Clearview Energy submitting a change in electric supply from my current provider to Clearview Energy. I will print or save a copy of this Letter of Agency.

Final Authorizations

Your Selected Plan ClearGuarantee8
/ kWh
*Assurance describes a promotional variable rate product with a kilowatt-hour rate and base fee guaranteed not to exceed the amounts stated for the promotional period outlined in the promotion box. Any utility bill processed after this period will receive a Clearview Energy variable kilowatt-hour rate, and base fee, that may fluctuate month-to-month.
The variable rate may go up or down and the rate may be higher than the Electric Utility's Price to Compare ("PTC") during any given period.
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